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Dr. Bhavarlal Jain, Founder Chairman received the ICAR Excellence award

20th Jan 2014 Baramati
Hon’ble Central Minister of Agriculture Sharad Pawar–Felicitating by way of Awarding a Letter of Honour to Bhavarlalji Jain during the conference of Indian Agri. Universities Vice Chancellors at G. D. Madgulkar Auditorium - Baramati, by sides Supriyatai Sulye – Member of Parliament, B. R. Barwale – MAHYCO.

For his substantial contribution in the field of Food Security & Fianancial Income Growth through high-tech agriculture for small farmers since last 50 years, the founder Chairman of Jain Irrigation Shri. Bhavarlalji Jain was felicitated by Ministry for Indian Agriculture & ICAR, by the hands of Central Agriculture Minister Shri. Sharad Pawar.

The function was organized on 19th January at G. D. Madgulkar auditorium – Baramati during the conference of All India Agri University Vice Chancellors, and the Scientist by giving a letter of honour. Ms. Supriya Sulye - Member of Parliament, Dr. S. Ayyapan - Secretary for Indian Agriculture & Director – General for ICAR, Dilip Singh - Addl. Secretary, Arvind Kaushal, K. D. Patil -Dy. D. G for ICAR, B. R. Barwale – Chairman MAHYCO, Vjayannna Borade – Chairman Marathwada Agri Support Board, along-with Vice Chancellors & Scientists were prominent amongst the other present dignatories.

"Founder Chairman of Jain Irrigation Bhavarlalji Jain, Chairman of MAHYCO B. R. Barwale, Vijay Anna borade are making sleepless hard labour since last 50 years in Indian Agri Sector" these words used by Central Minister for Agriculture Sharad Pawar in honour to high-light their contribution. Every drop of water must be considered in light of the significance of water, Its availability, the limitations of available land in Indian Agri Sector. He expressed his delight about Jain Irrigation’s splendid work to envelope 80 countries for saving the water. Considering the Contribution of Bhavarlalji Jain in Agri sector, this felicitation in the Conference of Vice-Chancellors carries extra-ordinary significance, he spoke.

In response to the honour, Bhavarlalji Jain pro–founded that, now it has become a necessity to think as to how the new research in electronic field can be applied to agriculture, and there is a need to find a golden mean amongst the young generation and the nano–technology. The agriculture sector needs to be seen as a pious activity of food security in light of the issue of hunger and hygienic food. The Indian Agriculture has very bright future. Water harvesting has become necessity considering the ever changing raining pattern. A different scenario can emerge if this water is utilized for large scale dry land in the country like India. He emphasized on usage of Modern technology for optimal usage of water gained with hard efforts & labour.

Directors of ICAR along–with Vice Chancellors of Indian Agri. Universities and progreesive farmers where participating in this conference. The In–auguration of this conference was organized by the auspicious hands of Hon’ble President of India Pranav Mukharjee. Dignatories like Mr. Chandradas Mahant – Central Agriculture minister for the State, Mr. Pruthviraj Chauhan – Chief Minister for Maharasthtra, Mr. Ajit Pawar – Dy. Chief for Maharashtra, Mr. Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil – Minster of Agriculture for Maharshtra, Mr. Harshwardhan Patil were amongst the present.

Felicitation of Bhavarlalji Jain ...

Being a committed farmer and having spent the childhood in a village, Bhavarlalji Jain has been connected closely with agriculture. He has experienced the difficulties faced by small farmers, especially. He determined to work for agriculture sector even in the event of getting selected as a Gazzetted Government Officer, by carrying the accumulated experience on him. He recognized the necessity of Drip & Micro Irrigation technology for optimal usage of water to bring the small farmers in the stream of development. With this sheer commitment only, he developed and started production of Drip & Micro Irrigation systems required for Indian Agriculture.

Only to make the technology available is not sufficient, but his great contribution was noteworthy in making them literate in their own language, implementing the program for training and visit scheme for strengthening their confidence. He made available a source of assured income to farmers by way of initiating new concept of Contract farming on a crop like Onion in Indian, for the first time on Industrial scales. Around 4500 farmers are engaged in this program. Pipe, Drip, Miro–irrigation is supported by developed tissue culture plants. By undertaking research these banana plants were made available to local farmers at Jalgaon, initially. And as on date, near about 6 crores of banana plants are made available by JAIN IRRGATION, every year. Pomegranate, gerbera plants are made available to farmers along–with banana plants. The technology of Ultra–high Density plantation for mango has been developed and delivered successfully to most of the mango growing states in India, by Jain Irrigation in the context of Indian Horticulture. With this ultra–high density mango plantation, it has become possible to the farmers to take 3 times more production per acre in comparison with conventional mango plantation.

He always has given preference to undertake research by way of working on basic Modern technology required for agriculture sector. He is always considered to be the benchmark for research in agriculture not only in India, but on Global basis. The approach of young generation and the common farmers has turned out to be positive due to his contribution. His contribution is highlighted once again with this felicitation.


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